The Mexican Consulate in Milwaukee is proud to present this special screening of LOS LECHEROS
The fates of undocumented immigrant workers and Wisconsin's $43 billion dairy industry are closely intertwined – and both are grappling with their options for survival. The documentary film LOS LECHEROS gets to the heart of the relationship between farmers, undocumented immigrant workers, families, activists, and a state economy as they all respond to the pressures of anti-immigrant threats and legislation.
El destino de los trabajadores inmigrantes indocumentados y el de la industria láctea de Wisconsin, valorada en $43 mil millones, están estrechamente entrelazados, y ambos están lidiando con sus opciones de supervivencia. El documental LOS LECHEROS llega al corazón de la relación entre agricultores, trabajadores inmigrantes indocumentados, familias, activistas y una economía estatal, ya que todos responden a las presiones de las amenazas y la legislación antiinmigrante.
streaming here from March 25 - 28
Join the conversation
with the Mexican Consulate in Milwaukee and people in the film
Facebook Live - March 30 at 5:00 pm Central Time (in English)